RVRSA Service Areas
Download copy of the RVRSA Service Area Map
The Rockaway Valley Regional Sewerage Authority (RVRSA) provides sewer service to all or parts of the ten (10) municipalities in the County of Morris. Prior to 2008 the RVRSA had the Wastewater Management Planning (WMP) responsibilities for its service area within the Rockaway River Basin. After 2008, all of the planning responsibilities have been delegated to the Morris Co. Planning Board (MCPB). The RVRSA submitted a draft WMP Update to the N.J. Department of Environmental Protection (NJDEP) in January 2006, which was returned by the Department on March 9, 2007. The WMP Update was returned because it was not in conformance with “proposed WMP and Departments requirements”. The WMP regulations adopted by the Department in July 2008 required the submittal of all WMP by April 7, 2009 by the County agency responsible for the WMP. Two more years have passed. The RVRSA has an urgent need to have the WMP completed and approved by the Department so that we can provide sewer service to appropriate applicants and plan to meet anticipated future effluent limits.
All of the municipalities served by the RVRSA are within the Highlands Planning and/or Preservation Area. The WMP planning responsibility for the RVRSA service area is now split between the MCPB and the Highlands Council of New Jersey. The Highland Council has the responsibility for the preparation of the WMP Chapters for the municipalities that have chosen to Conform with the Highlands Regional Plan. The MCPB has the responsibility for the preparation of the Chapters for the Municipalities that have not chosen to conform to the Highlands Regional Plan. The RVRSA has provided extensive historic data to the MCPB to document current facilities and service area needs.
On February 9, 2011 a Public Meeting on the proposed draft Wastewater Management Plan Sewer Service Area Map for Morris County, NJ was held. The meeting was conducted jointly by the NJDE and the MCPB. The MCPB has the responsibility to prepare a countywide WMP in compliance with regulations adopted by NJDEP in 2008. The MCPB has prepared mapping and a descriptive WMP Chapter for each municipality in the County that is not proceeding with the Highlands Conformance process. The MCPB has made great progress on their portion of the WMP.
Chapters for the non-conforming municipalities have been written by the Morris Co. Planning Board. The Highlands Council is preparing the chapters for the conforming municipalities.
Please contact Virginia Michelin, Sr. Environmental Planner (vmichelin@co.morris.nj.us) at Morris Co. Planning Board if you have any questions on the chapters pertaining to non-conforming municipalities.
Please contact Dan van Abs, PhD, PP/AICP, Senior Director of Planning and Science (dan.vanabs@highlands.state.nj.us) at Highlands Council for questions on the conforming municipalities’ chapters.
Municipalities Served by the RVRSA:
Town of Boonton (Non-Conforming)
Boonton Township (Non-Conforming)
Denville Township (Non-Conforming)
Borough of Rockaway (Non-Conforming)
Rockaway Township (Conforming)
Randolph Township (Conforming)
Town of Dover (Non-Conforming)
Borough of Victory Gardens (Non-Conforming)
Borough of Wharton (Conforming)
Mine Hill Township (Non-Conforming)
Link to Morris Co. Planning and Development web page to view the chapters and mapping: