NOTICE is hereby given, pursuant to Section 13 of the Open Public Meetings Act and guidance issued by the Department of Community Affairs, entitled Local Operational Guidance- Covid-19: Guidance for Remote Public Meetings in New Jersey, issued on April 24, 2020, that the regular meeting of the Rockaway Valley Regional Sewerage Authority will convene telephonically and/or Zoom Video on Thursday, June 10, 2021, at 7 P.M. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the offices of the RVRSA will be closed to the public for this meeting due to concerns for public health and safety however; the public is invited to participate in the meeting telephonically or through Zoom Video Meeting.  The agenda is available on the website of the RVRSA at

Join Zoom Meeting  Meeting ID: 858 6128 0670  Passcode: 5hcaL3

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Meeting ID: 858 6128 0670  Passcode: 225710

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Janice Fox

Assistant Board Secretary