Commitment to the Environment
The Rockaway Valley Regional Sewerage Authority (RVRSA) was formed in 1972 as a direct result of the need to provide high quality treatment of wastewater being discharged into the Rockaway River and to also protect the Rockaway River watershed (above the Jersey City reservoir).
The RVRSA recognizes the importance of the watershed management mission and has committed efforts in personnel, funding and technical expertise to continue to strive for the highest achievable treatment standards.
Specifically the RVRSA has participated in:
Is an active member of the AEA; NJWEA and Passaic River Basin Alliance;
Enhanced de-nitrification program, a joint partnership with the NJDEP by utilizing an on-off aeration technique;
Biological phosphorus removal to reduce phosphorus discharged into the Rockaway River;
Being an active member in the Rockaway River Watershed Cabinet;
Actively assisting the Rockaway River Watershed Cabinet in sampling and analysis of various locations along the Rockaway River for water quality monitoring purposes;
Actively co-sponsoring all educational outreach events by providing resources, support personnel and hosting tours of the plant;
Acted as a host for the development of total maximum daily loads (TMDL’s) in Watershed Management Area #6;
The RVRSA has benefited immensely by participating in the local watershed management activities. The interaction with the downstream water purveyor and various environmental groups concerned with the quality of the Rockaway River, it has become apparent that our commitment towards the watershed goals has become a necessity.